Christel Domael

Christel Domael

When Is A TXV Valve Really Needed?

An air conditioning unit mounted on a wall, When Is A TXV Valve Really Needed?

Knowing and learning about air conditioner parts such as the Thermal Expansion Valve (TXV) helps to understand and diagnose problems you might encounter. You may be curious, when is it necessary to install it? Here is what we discovered after…

How To Seal Chimney Flashing

a Galvanized metal chimney exhaust on asphalt roof with a rain cap, How To Seal Chimney Flashing

Whether you want to install a new chimney flashing or you want to reseal an existing one, sealing it can be a tedious job. That’s why we researched how to seal a chimney flashing, and here is a step-by-step guide…

How To Recover Freon Without A Machine

Technician checking the operation of the air conditioner using tool with high and low pressure. How To Recover Freon Without A Machine

Nowadays, it is critical to recover refrigerants regularly. The laws have tightened recently, as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claims that some refrigerants are contributing to ozone layer depletion. So if you want to know how to recover Freon without…