Danielle Jinks

Danielle Jinks

Should Fireplace Vent Be Open?

Burning wood in a modern fireplace with a closed combustion chamber standing in the living room, Should Fireplace Vent Be Open?

If you are unaccustomed to using a fireplace, you likely have questions that need answering before you begin heating your home. One of the most common questions is whether the vent should be open or closed. We’ve done our research…

R-Value Of A Cinder Block Wall

Cross Section Of A Newly Built Wall of a construction site - layers of breeze block ,brick, and thermal insulation, R-Value Of A Cinder Block Wall

Have you heard of homes being built with cinder blocks? If so, maybe you are wondering about their energy efficiency. Before stepping into the unknown and investing in your own concrete block home, you need to know the R-value of…

Can You Burn Cardboard in a Fireplace?

Yellow bright flame arising from a fire of cardboard, Can You Burn Cardboard in a Fireplace?

With winter weather at its coldest, it’s time to heat up your fireplace. However, you shouldn’t just burn anything in your fireplace. With Christmas at an end, you probably have plenty of cardboard boxes leftover. This may leave you wondering…

How To Insulate Bedroom Windows

Man installing weathering insulation, How To Insulate Bedroom Windows

Winter weather can be tough. When you retire to your bedroom, you want to escape the chill. Instead, you may walk into a cold room with icy air seeping through your window panes. If this sounds familiar, you are probably…