Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

Should My Furnace Leak Air?

A worker inspecting the furnace system, Should My Furnace Leak Air?

Your furnace plays an essential role in your home. However, is it normal for it to leak air? Do you fear it might be ruining your heating efficiency? Not to worry, because we have taken the time to answer that…

Does A Furnace Lose Efficiency Over Time?

Technician Checking Out A Overhead Gas Furnace, Does A Furnace Lose Efficiency Over Time?

Having an efficient furnace is essential to keep your house warm. However, does a furnace lose its efficiency over time? We have researched on your behalf to find the answer to that question! A furnace will lose its efficiency over…

Do Electric Furnaces Have Filters?

A person changing an air filter on a high efficiency furnace, Do Electric Furnaces Have Filters?

Electric furnaces are a great way to stay warm in the winter. They’re also an ideal option for homes with allergies because they do not produce any allergens like dust or pollen. But do electric furnaces have filters like other…