Can An Ozone Generator Damage Electronics?

Ozone generators are marketed as an efficient way to remove odors and indoor air pollution. And you may be aware that ozone can adversely impact one's health.

But have you ever wondered whether it can also damage the electronics in your home? We gathered information about this, and here is what we learned.

Yes, the ozone generator can damage your electronic equipment. Ozone exposure shortens the lifespans of materials and products and gradually degrades both their functional and aesthetic aspects.

Having said that, we'll now delve into what other materials can ozone damage. We'll also talk about how ozone generators produce ozone, what makes them harmful, and what their effects are on humans and the environment.

In addition, we'll give you some other methods to control air pollution inside your home. So keep reading!

A blue ozone machine generator forp purifiying air, Can An Ozone Generator Damage Electronics?

What Materials Do Ozone Damage?

A wide range of materials can suffer significant damage from ozone, specifically the following:

  • rugs, particularly synthetic rugs
  • rugs' padding
  • foam pillows
  • additional plastic furniture and covers
  • rubber padded surfaces
  • coatings for electrical wires
  • textiles and artworks that use specific dyes or colors.

Due to the higher expenses of maintenance, upkeep, and replacement of these materials as a result of damage from ozone exposure, there may be substantial economic losses.

Ozone machine generator inside the living room floor.

How Do Ozone Generators Produce Ozone?

Ozone generators create ozone by dissolving oxygen molecules, which can be done in one of these ways:

A man turning on the ozon machine generator

Silent Corona Discharge

The breaking of regular oxygen creates ozone into single oxygen atoms, which subsequently bind to O2 to form ozone in all electrical discharges, such as lightning (O3).

This idea underlies the operation of silent corona discharge ozone generators.

Ultraviolet Radiation

This process is comparable to how ozone is created in the upper atmosphere when the sun's UV energy splits oxygen dioxide into its component atoms.

The widespread consensus is that corona discharge is a more effective technique than this one.

What Are The Risks Of Ozone Exposure?

Sadly, the same chemical characteristics that allow ozone to react with organic stuff outside of homes also allow it to do so with organic material inside of people.

The following conditions can arise from exposure to ozone, even at low levels:

  • can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs and cause coughing and breathing problems
  • may make chronic respiratory conditions like asthma worse
  • most likely to lead to a rise in hospital admissions and ER visits for respiratory illnesses
  • can harm indoor plants and materials like rubber, the coatings on electrical wires, and fabrics

Some individuals are more vulnerable than others and may be more prone to negative health effects. Children, the elderly, and people with asthma are in increased danger.

How Much Ozone Is Good For Indoor Use?

The highest level of pollution that can be present in outdoor air without endangering human health is specified by ambient air quality guidelines.

Following a thorough analysis of the scientific literature, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted an 8-hour ozone threshold in 2005 of 0.070 ppm while maintaining the one-hour 0.09 ppm standard that had been set in 1987.

If exposed to levels above these criteria, evidence from the evaluated studies suggests that both adults and children could have serious negative health impacts.

However, the EPA reduced the national eight-hour limit from 0.075 to 0.070 ppm on October 1, 2015.

How Do Ozone Generators Help With Odor Control In Homes?

At this point, you are now aware that ozone generators may be unhealthy for you. Despite the dangers, they are quite effective at cleaning, sanitizing, and getting rid of unpleasant odors.

A ozone generator that purifies the air, cleaning and disinfection

Some people use ozone generators to remove bad odors such as:

  • Pet Odors
  • Car Odors
  • Cigarette Odors
  • Hunting Clothes/Gears Odors
  • Mold & Mildew
  • Body Odors
  • Food Smells

Pet Odors

The most frequent cause of that odor associated with pets, which is challenging to eliminate using conventional ways, is pet dander, which is made up of skin flakes.

Some animals may have accidents and leave some excrement on the floor or on the carpet, which can produce more offensive odors. On the other hand, you might be entering a house where there have previously been dogs.

If this is the case, you must get it as clean as you can because the smell can still linger.

Fortunately, pet dander and other odor-causing microorganisms are penetrated by ozone generators, which work on cats, dogs, ferrets, and even fish.

Car Odors

Cars can emit noxious scents like carbon dioxide, oil, or gasoline. A peculiar smell develops in metal after prolonged use. Therefore, you should keep an ozone generator running in your car or your garage.

Remember that metal and ozone gas don't mix well, so it's a good idea to cover your metal tools and move your car out of the garage.

Don't forget to remove all personal items from your car as well.

Cigarette Odors

Cigarette smoke discolors and creates stains in some areas. It discolors walls, furnishings, clothing, and even your body.

If you don't make a significant effort to get rid of the smoke smell, it will linger for a while.

People frequently employ ozone and other more aggressive odor elimination techniques since it is a challenging stench to eliminate.

Hunting Clothes/Gear Odors

Ozone is frequently promoted as the ideal hunting solution. Since deer hunting is one of the most widely played games, many people frequently ask if ozone can increase their chances of catching deer.

Using an ozone generator can help you have more success while hunting.

The deer won't be able to smell you thanks to this technology, unlike earlier when it did and began to flee when it spotted a hunter.

Molds And Mildew

In the absence of fresh oxygen, mold and mildew thrive in damp, dark areas like the walls and floors. They can make people sick and are hazardous to humans.

The mold needs to be removed first to get rid of the smell. Run an ozone generator after that in the room where the mold was. It is a good idea to place it close to the area where the mold was.

As you would in a typical ozone treatment for a room, you should run it for 3 to 6 hours.

There shouldn't be any additional smell in the room after that. The mold will likely return and continue to spread if the water damage or other factors that contributed to its growth have not been addressed.

Body Odors

Simply leaving the windows open or performing simple cleaning can't always get rid of strong body scents. Particularly in the living room and bedroom, this occurs.

Additionally, as our perspiration evaporates, it spreads our odor to various surfaces, including furniture, curtains, and more.

Food Smells

Many people enjoy cooking, but some foods, like curry, garlic, and cabbage, can leave unpleasant odors. This is where an ozone generator can help.

Additionally, pesticides and other dangerous compounds on vegetables and other foods can be destroyed by ozone.

Cover any cookware or cooking utensils that you don't want to risk having damaged if you use the ozone generator in your kitchen.

As mentioned, metal suffers serious effects from ozone and rusts quickly as a result. It is sufficient to just cover them with a bag or tarp.

You can read this article on this page to know more about smoke smells and ozone generators: "Will An Ozone Generator Get Rid Of Smoke Smell?"

What Are The Dos and Don'ts When Using An Ozone Generator?

Hand turning on ozone machine generators to cleaning and disinfection during covid 19 epidemic

Although it is debatable if the benefits of using an ozone generator outweigh its risks, here are the dos and don'ts of using an ozone generator.


  • A fan should be pointed outside and a window opened to improve ozone circulation.
  • If you decide to utilize an ozone generator to reduce a vehicle's stink, run it for 12 hours before letting the car air out overnight.
  • If you utilize an ozone generator in a room with certain things, remove them to avoid potential damage or coloring.
  • Before going back into the room where you utilized the generator, wait 24 hours for it to settle.
  • As the ozone generator is operating, be sure that no one, including pets, can enter the area.
  • Remove all plants from the area.
  • To gradually eliminate odors or mold, try performing a few brief sessions of ozone removal rather than letting it run continuously.


  • Never run this device in areas where humans can breathe in ozone.
  • Don't expose electronic equipment near ozone generators.
  • Don't utilize it to eliminate iron.
  • Ozone should not be used as a substitute for water softening. The calcium in the water is not eliminated in this way.
  • Don't use it with systems that are susceptible to corrosion.

Final Thoughts

A blue ozone machine generator forp purifiying air

Aside from ozone generators, there are still other indoor air quality control products you can use. Avoid using an ozone generator, especially if you have valuable electronic materials or equipment since they can be damaged.

Before you leave, you can check out these related articles:

How To Use Ozone Generator In Your Home

Can You Use An Air Purifier And Humidifier Together?

How To Use Nature Fresh Air Purifier Bags

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