A humidifier can help get your home to the right humidity levels if you have a dry home. However, are you going to have an issue with attracting spiders and other bugs in your home? We have researched these tiny creatures to help with this question!
Humidity does attract spiders and other bugs into your home. Should a household humidifier be used, it will attract these creatures to your home. If you need to use a humidifier in your home, then use these strategies to keep the pests out:
- Update Seals in Home
- Watch Humidity Levels
- Spray Outside of Home
- Keep Your Home Clean
- Take Out Trash Often
- Keep Windows Shut
- Only Use Humidifier When Needed
If you live in a dry climate, then having a humidifier in your home is an excellent idea to help increase the humidity levels. Of course, you don’t want to deal with spiders and other bugs coming into your home because of the humidifier, but you don’t have to worry about that as long as you take some precautions.
This article will discuss why bugs and spiders are attracted to humid home conditions and prevent the pests from getting inside. In addition, we will take a closer look at if dehumidifiers will keep roaches and other pests away, so read on!
Do Humidifiers Attract Spiders And Other Bugs?
When the humidity levels in your home are too low, you risk having your home dry out. This can result in cracked skin and chapped lips. Dry air can also cause many wooden items to warp over time, including floors, doors, windowsills, and furniture.
Using a humidifier will help solve this problem and get your humidity levels to where they should be (30%-50%). However, a humidifier may attract unwanted pests such as spiders and bugs.
Why do these creatures thrive in humid weather? Before we can figure out how to keep the pests away, let's take a closer look at what attracts them.
What Bugs Are Attracted to Humidity?
What is humidity? Humidity measures how much water vapor there is in the air. For example, when you use a humidifier or turn on your bathroom fan after showering, this causes the humidity levels to go up.
One of the main reasons bugs and other pests are attracted to humidity is that they need moisture to survive. Spiders, for example, need a humid environment to spin their silk web so they can trap their prey.
Roaches thrive in a humid environment as well. If the humidity levels are high enough, they can even survive without food or water for up to a month. This is why roaches are often found in kitchens and bathrooms since these areas have a high humidity level.
In addition, bugs like earwigs, centipedes, and mosquitos thrive in humid conditions. Stink bugs and boxelder bugs will also enter your home in search of a humid environment.
So, now that you know that humidity does attract spiders and other bugs, how do you keep them out of your home? Let's take a look:
Update Seals in Home
One of the first things you can do to prevent spiders and other bugs from entering your home is to check the seals around your doors and windows. Ensure that they are tight and no cracks or openings where pests can enter.
Watch Humidity Levels
Another way to keep pests out of your home is to watch the humidity levels. There should be a steady increase in humidity levels when using your humidifier. Still, if not, then it may be time to clean out the appliance and switch over to using a dehumidifier instead.
Spray Outside of Home
You can also try spraying outside your home where spiders and other bugs like to congregate. For example, you can spray near your home's foundation, in the eaves of your roof, and around any openings where pests could enter.
Keep Your Home Clean
Keeping your home clean will also help to deter spiders and other bugs from entering. Make sure to keep your kitchen clean, sweep and mop floors, and vacuum furniture and carpets regularly.
Take Out Trash Often
One of the easiest ways to keep spiders and other bugs away from your home is to take out the trash often. Make sure to seal the garbage can tightly so that pests cannot get inside, and take it outside as soon as it is complete.
Keep Windows Shut
If you live in an area where there are a lot of bugs and spiders, then it is best to keep your windows shut as much as possible. This will help to keep them from entering your home. Bugs and spiders will sense the humidity and try to enter the home through the windows.
Only Use Humidifier When Needed
Finally, you can also try to use your humidifier only when you need to. For example, if it is winter and the humidity levels are low but not extremely low, there is no need for a humidifier at this time.
On the other hand, if it is summer and there is a lot of pollen in the air, then using a humidifier may help to relieve some of the symptoms.
What Attracts House Spiders?
Spiders are attracted to different conditions depending on the type of spider. For example, some spiders are attracted to moist areas. This is why you will find them in basements and crawl spaces.
Whereas some spiders are more attracted to dryer spaces. In your home, this includes your vents and attics. In addition, you may have seen spiders on the walls in your room in the winter. This is because the walls are warm, and the spiders are making a home there to live.
How Do I Keep Spiders Out of my Vents?
You don't want to have spiders in your home vents. So how do you keep them out? The best thing to do is install mesh filters in your air vents.
This will help keep the spiders out and keep your vents clean. However, if this doesn't solve your problem, you will need to call HVAC specialists or Pest Professionals. They will be able to inspect the area and solve the issue.
Do Dehumidifiers Attract Bugs?
If anything, a dehumidifier is going to detour bugs from your home. Most bugs need moisture to survive. If you live in a region where humidity is high, then it is a good idea to get a dehumidifier.
One of the best places to put a dehumidifier is in your basement. This will help keep the humidity levels down and stop the bugs from congregating in your home.
Suppose you notice an area in your home where pests are abundant. Then take a dehumidifier and do a spot treatment on the area. In addition to the dehumidifier, spray the area with a bug spray. This will help fix the problem and keep bugs out of your home.
Will a Dehumidifier Keep Roaches Away?
Yes, a dehumidifier will help to keep roaches out of your home. It is a good idea to have a dehumidifier in your kitchen. This is the room where you will find most roaches.
A dehumidifier sucks in humid air from your kitchen and filters it through the machine. The water is then dumped into a container that must be emptied often. This helps to get rid of excess moisture in your home.
The humidity levels in your kitchen are perfect for the roaches to survive and reproduce. By having a dehumidifier installed, you will keep the humidity levels down and keep roaches out.
If the humidity levels go down significantly, the roaches will look for a more humid area. This may be your bathroom or another room in your home. To prevent the roaches from going to these other areas, you need to take some preventive measures.
You can do this by installing mesh filters in your vents or caulking up any cracks and crevices in your home. This will help to stop the roaches from entering your home.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, a dehumidifier will help to keep most insects out of your home. A dehumidifier will also help to reduce the humidity levels and make it uncomfortable for many household pests.
If you notice an insect infestation, install a dehumidifier and do a spot treatment on the area where you see them congregating.
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