A wall heater is excellent for warming up small spaces like studio apartments, single rooms in a big house, or small offices. If you're wondering how to turn it off, you're on the right page! We did thorough research, and we found straightforward answers.
For your safety, it is important to turn off your wall heater in the following ways:
- Electric wall heaters - Turn off the switch and the circuit panel.
- Gas wall heaters - Turn off the gas line and pilot light.
Keep reading for more details on how to turn off your wall heater and when you should turn it off. We'll also tackle reasons why a wall heater keeps turning off on its own, plus the benefits of using this type of heater.
Wall Heater 101
There are two types of wall heaters: those that use electricity and those that use gas. Wall heaters are relatively safe compared to other heaters as wires are tucked away into the wall, meaning no one can tamper with the wires by accident.
Also, they produce heat at a temperature of 145 Fahrenheit, which is relatively safe, unlike the heaters that discharge heat at 600 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a potential fire hazard.
While it is safe to leave the wall heater on for long hours, the electric elements are not always 100% efficient, hence for your safety, it should be switched off when you do not need to use it; for example, when you go to sleep.
Electric wall heaters are turned off differently from gas heaters, as explained below:
How To Turn Off An Electric Wall Heater
Click here to see this electric wall heater on Amazon.
Turning off an electric wall heater is very easy. Turn the knob on the thermostat to the off position, and if you want to shut off the power completely, turn it off at the circuit breaker panel. Afterward, it will take a few minutes to dissipate any extra electric power that has already built up.
How To Turn Off A Gas Wall Heater
Click here to see this gas wall heater on Amazon.
Turn your thermostat to the end, shutting it so that only the gas pilot light continues to burn. Next, look for the shut-off valve, press it inwards, and then to the off position.
Why Does My Wall Heater Keep Turning Off?
As seen in the previous section, it is easy to turn off both electric and gas wall heaters. However, when you want to turn on a wall heater, it may keep shutting off.
What could be the reason for this and how can it be solved? Let us find out below for the gas and electric wall heater:
How To Troubleshoot A Gas Wall Heater
Sometimes your gas wall heater will shut off every time you turn it on, which can be frustrating.
Before you buy another heater, you can troubleshoot to revive it again. Here are some of the most common problems of a gas wall heater and how to solve them:
Accumulation of Dust
Dust can accumulate inside your heater causing it not to ignite. To avert this problem, you need to clean it frequently.
The following are the steps to cleaning it safely:
Tools Needed:
- Bucket
- Lint-free cloth
- Mild dishwashing soap (avoid chemicals)
- A handheld vacuum cleaner with a hose or an air-blower
- A small brush or an old toothbrush
- Turn off the gas, and let it cool for around 2 hours.
- Shut off the gas valve.
- As per the manual, unscrew the cover from the wall heater and place it aside.
- Remove the grill that's inside the unit and then brush off loose dust particles using a brush with soft bristles.
- Damp a sponge with warm water and mild soap and clean the grill to remove dust from it. (Never use chemicals as your unit may get damaged).
- Wipe off the water by using a lint-free cloth.
- Use a hand-held vacuum with a hose attached to it. Vacuum to remove dust from the corners and nooks of the heater. Use a toothbrush to loosen dust has that has hardened over time.
- Clean the pilot and be very careful when doing so. Be very gentle with the pressure from the vacuum. (The orifice may burst if high pressure is directed at it, causing it to produce a huge flame instead of the normal small pilot flame.)
- When you follow the pilot to the end, you will find a small nut there. Loosen it. It’s not usually tight and can be loosened with a gentle twist.
- Focus the vacuum nozzle at the base of the tube to suck out the dust. When you are done, put back the nut and tube into their initial positions.
- Firmly screw back the cover and turn on the gas connection.
Click here to see this mini handheld vacuum cleaner on Amazon.
Click here to see this air duster and vacuum cleaner on Amazon.
Pilot Does Not Light Or Is Blocked
If you incessantly try to light your gas wall heater to no avail, then it’s highly likely there is no gas supply. The propane gas might be empty, meaning you have to fill it up.
And if it uses natural gas, check and ensure the valve handle on the gas line is on.
If the pilot will not light despite the gas flowing, then the pilot tube could be blocked due to the buildup of compressed air in the combustion chamber.
To solve this, turn off the gas and wait for 10 minutes for the gas in the combustion chamber to flow out.
If it still will not light, then call a professional technician to check it out for you.
How To Troubleshoot An Electric Wall Heater
Just like the gas wall heater, an electric wall heater can get clogged up with dust and will need to be cleaned often to prevent it from turning off every time you turn it on.
Follow the same cleaning procedure as that of the gas wall heater as explained above.
Common problems that will make the electric wall heater keep turning off include:
Faulty Thermostat
Sometimes the heater may turn on and off every few seconds because of a faulty thermostat.
To solve this, check the manual guide and set it correctly. This may reduce the cycle to fewer seconds, and hence you should try to set it again. If the problem continues, then the wattage could be the issue.
The wattage may be too high, for which you need to call in a professional electrician to correct the wattage.
Incorrect Sizing
Wall heaters are sized according to the wattage needed to heat a space. The square footage of the room and the amount of heat lost are the factors considered when sizing a wall heater.
The general principle is to use 10 watts for each square foot of a room if the insulation levels are high and 15 watts per square footage if the insulation levels are lower.
Benefits Of Wall Heaters
With many heaters available, why would you opt to install a wall heater? There are six main benefits and they are as follows:
Promptly Starts Working
These heaters begin to heat a room within 60 to 120 seconds after turning them on. If this is the only type of heating system you have, it's a good option for your home.
Supplements Heating
It’s excellent for supplementing heat only when you need it, instead of heating the whole house. Warming up only the areas needed reduces your energy bills.
Little Space Required
Since wall heaters are wall-mounted, they do not take up a lot of your floor space. For those living in small spaces, this type of heater would be the most suitable.
Provides Heat For Long Hours
As long as your room has proper insulation, a wall heater will keep your room warm long after it has been turned off.
Temperature Control
Electric wall heaters have features that give you complete temperature control of the unit.
Easy Installation And Maintenance
It’s relatively easy to install wall heaters and is equally easy to maintain. However, do not attempt to handle any installations or repairs if you are not an electrician or if you do not have the skills.
Also, for maintenance, call in an electrician if you are not up to the task.
In Closing
Turning off electric or gas wall heaters is not difficult. Check the manual for instructions, but in a nutshell, turn the thermostat to the off position in an electric wall heater, and for a gas wall heater, disconnect the gas.
Also, there are methods of troubleshooting if the heater keeps turning off, whenever you try to turn it on, not forgetting the manifold benefits of wall heaters.
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