How To Make Window AC Quieter [5 Helpful Solutions]

Do you hear an annoying noise coming from your AC? Is there a slight hum that is discomforting to your ears? We're here to help you fix this! We've researched reasons an AC makes noise and how to make it quieter.

Your AC unit should provide comfortable indoor air, not distract you with irritating noise. You shouldn't take any noises lightly, as there may be a serious problem in the internal motors. However, refer to the list below for ways to make a window AC quieter.

  1. Place the AC properly
  2. Seal the window
  3. Check the fan blades and motor
  4. Clean the AC
  5. Allow your AC to rest

In this article, you'll learn step-by-step guides on how to make an AC quieter. Plus, you'll get familiar with some internal components of an AC that help it operate. We'll share all of this and more in detail. Just keep reading!

A window air conditioning unit outside an old brick apartment building above a garden with yellow sunflowers during summer in Astoria Queens New York - How To Make Window AC Quieter [5 Helpful Solutions]

How To Make Your Window AC Quieter

Outdoor window air conditioning units on an old New York City brick apartment building with green plants along a sidewalk

It's important to know the reason your AC is making an unusual noise. It might have been normal from the start, after installation, or occurred after a long time of use.

See below for details on how to keep it silent.

1. Place the AC Properly

A window air conditioning unit outside an old brick apartment building above a garden with yellow sunflowers during summer in Astoria Queens New York

Make sure the AC is not in a slanted position. Keep it aligned and centered on the window. There might be loose screws causing the AC cover to hit against the window.

2. Seal the Window

A gap between the window and the AC unit may cause a low humming sound because of air pressure rushing through that gap. You can fix it by sealing the window on its edges and corners.

You may cover the gap with a rubber strip depending on how big the gap is.

See this rubber seal strip on Amazon.

3. Inspect the Fan Blades and the Motor

Blue tone of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) blades

Are the blades loose? Then tighten them properly. This might be the reason why the air conditioner makes noise when in use. However, see if the blade is hitting the interior. There might be uneven edges. If the blade has damage, then get a new blade.

If you think replacing the blade will solve the noise, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect the AC unit from the power.
  2. Begin by removing the cover from the corners rather than the edges.
  3. Loosen and remove the blade based on the user's guide. Remember to take caution.
  4. Install the new blade of the same type as the AC model. Lock it and tighten it properly.
  5. Put back the cover, then turn the AC on.

Check the motor as well. If the blade spins slower than usual, the motor might have damage. This time, you'll need a professional to fix or replace the motor. In the worst-case scenario, you will need a new AC unit.

4. Clean the AC

Technician cleaning air conditioner. Hand holding air conditioning filter

Cleaning the AC can improve its performance by a lot, and it's the most basic way of maintaining the quality of almost every appliance. Cleaning may eliminate the dirt that causes your AC to create an unusual noise.

You don't have to remove the air conditioner from the window to clean it, as you may find it hard to put the AC back in the correct position. Instead, follow these steps to clean the AC without removing it:

  1. Detach the grill covering the motor, then wash it with water and soap. Let it dry.
  2. On a soft cloth or rag, spray dishwashing liquid with water. Wipe the external body of the AC.
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck the dry dirt between the motor and parts.
  4. Put the grill back and start the AC. Check if the AC is quieter.
  5. Allow Your Air Conditioner to Rest.

5. Allow Your AC to Rest

Lowering and Turning Off Air Conditioning to Conserve Eletricity Energy

Long time use is another reason the AC makes noise, because of exhausted motors. You need to let the AC rest by shutting it down.

As a tip, turn the air conditioner on and let the room temperature cool down to the desired level. Next, use a ventilation fan afterwards. This technique saves a lot of energy and minimizes your energy bill. The ventilation fan helps distribute cool temperatures across the room.

Why Is The AC Making Noise?

It's important to figure out the main reason for this noise. Then, you can get an idea about how to fix the AC. See below for reasons the AC makes noise.

Ice has formed

Air conditioning unit covered in snow

You should monitor the AC to not let ice form inside it. The ice can cover the motors and wires, resulting in a clicking noise and lowered performance.

To remove the ice on your AC, execute the following wteps:

  1. Turn the AC off, then leave it for a few hours or until the ice melts.
  2. Never scrape the ice off with anything. The ice will melt naturally.
  3. When the ice has melted, swipe the AC with a soft cloth. You may also use an air dryer to ensure its interior is completely dry.

Refrigerant Is Leaking

When the refrigerant leaks, the air pressure can rush through the gauge and make a humming sound. Fix this by replacing the gauge hoses or the refrigerant itself.

Tight Condenser Fan

old rusty air conditioner unit

Condenser simply diverts air pressure into liquid. The condenser helps maintain air pressure at an operating level. A faulty condenser fan can make a squeaky sound.

Lubricant helps reduce friction and makes the surface smoother. You can apply a lubricant to the condenser fan motor to help it function correctly.

See this lubricant on Amazon.

To apply the lubricant, check out the following steps:

  1. Wear your gloves and mask before you remove the cover.
  2. Detach the condenser fan, then lay it on a carton for easier cleaning of the lubricant drops.
  3. Pour or spray lubricant on the condenser fan motor.
  4. Wipe off the excess lubricant with an old cloth.
  5. Put back the condenser fan and test it.

How Long Does AC Last?

Most AC units can last for up to 20 years or longer. AC units naturally get damaged because of regular use. A noisy AC that has been in use for many years is normal. Estimate how long you've been using your air conditioner to find out if age is a factor.

Technician do cleaning investigate Repairing Air Conditioner

When To Replace The AC Unit?

A noisy AC is not a definite sign it needs to be replaced. However, it is  an early sign of aging. You need to assess further why the air conditioner becomes noisier, rather than making its usual sounds.

Check how long have you been using the AC. This can help you determine if the air conditioner needs replacement.

Replacing an air conditioner unit should not be an abrupt, quick decision. We'll give you more things to look for before you buy a new one. Consider the following points listed below.

Temperature Is Uncontrollable

Air conditioning inspection trader

Try changing the temperature level on your AC. Do you feel the air getting colder or hotter? If you don't feel the temperature change, then the thermostat motor may have damage.

A thermostat motor controls the temperature. A broken thermostat cannot make the AC change its temperature level. Before you replace the air conditoner unit, consult a technician to see if you need a new thermostat.

Very Weak Air Circulation

Side view exhausted young biracial girl using paper waver, suffering from hot summer weather or high temperature at home. Unhappy overheated millennial mixed race woman feeling uncomfortable indoors.

Your AC unit might be blowing some air but has very weak circulation. This indicates that the AC has reached its limit. Try checking the fan capacitor responsible for ventilating the air.

There's A Burnt Smell From Inside

Air Conditioner Odor At Home. Upset Woman

If you smell something burning inside the AC, quickly disconnect it from power. Constant use of the AC can cause the internal wires to melt and burn. Your air conditioner is probably overheating.

You need to turn the AC off if you suspect a burning wire inside. Remove the cover and find out where the smell comes from. Call an expert if you confirm that a wire has burnt inside.

However, you may use a scented air freshener to eliminate the odor.

See this air freshener on Amazon.


We've discussed the steps to making the AC quiet, like cleaning it and letting it rest. Also, we provided some troubleshooting tips to detect and eliminate any noise.

We added relevant details about replacing your AC unit and when to do it. You should observe your AC more often to remedy issues as early as possible.

Don't wait for the noise to worsen. Act on any annoying noise and bring your AC back to its best condition.

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How To Properly Air Out A Room

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