Should AC Drain Line Be Capped?

Proper maintenance of an air conditioner is critical to the unit functioning well, so knowing what to do or not do is important. You may be wondering if you should cap the drain line of your AC unit or not.

We have researched this topic to get you the best information on what to do.

Capping the drain line in the AC depends on how you use it and the condition of the AC. If the unit is maintained correctly, you can typically cap the drain line without issue.

However, it is possible that the line can become clogged, which can create inefficiencies with your AC unit.

Having an air conditioner at home is easy to maintain, but if it is not taken care of properly, you might encounter problems that could cost you a lot in the future.

When planning to cap the AC drain line, always check it and ask someone who's an expert at it. You need to ensure your AC needs it and that doing so won't cause problems in the drain line.

If you want to understand more about drain lines and what happens when it is capped or not capped, keep scrolling as we have prepared helpful information below.

photo of an aircon exhaust on the wall outside the house, Should AC Drain Line Be Capped?

The Advantages of Capping the AC Drain Line

Some homeowners who cap the drain line believe that doing so is advantageous. They get more cool air after using a cap on the drain line. 

Capping the drain line in the AC increases the efficiency of the AC. The cap holds more air and prevents air from escaping the drain line, forcing it back out the vents where you want it to go. The room becomes colder because the air can not get through the drain.

If the coil is located on the negative side, it needs to be capped and must include a trap. This will benefit the primary line on the pan because it will suck air if the trap on the coil side is not capped.

If you cap the drain line, it will prevent the water from draining while the system operates.

The Disadvantages of Capping the AC Drain Line

Now that you have an idea of its advantages, you must also know the disadvantages of capping the drain line. You might want to check out what those are for your safety and to avoid ruining the drain line or the AC itself.

An overflow in the system could be one of the issues with capping the drain. Because of this, the water will not drain properly in the primary drain line since the air is unable to push the water. The water will possibly flow out of the emergency pan.

Also, the condensate won't drain completely if you cap it. It indicates that air forces the water out when the container is not capped. The air cannot force the water out if you cap it. However, in certain installations, people drill a hole in the cap to let enough air out to force the water out.

The Steps of Cleaning the AC Drain Line 

photo of an aircon exhaust fan mounted on a white wall outside the house

There are a few simple things you can do safely to clean and maintain your AC drain line properly. Here are the steps for AC drain line cleaning.

  • Always turn off the AC at the breaker before doing anything. Doing this will prevent you from being electrocuted while working on the AC unit.
  • You should know where the drain pipe is located in the AC. The small PVC pipe is usually located near the outside of the AC unit.
  • Find an access point once you've found the drain pipe in the AC. The access point is usually a small cap or cover that can be removed. So it is necessary to always check the manufacturer's guidelines.
  • After locating the access point, flush the AC drain line with water by attaching a garden hose to the access point and running water into it until it is clear.
  • You may use a wet or dry vacuum to clear the drain line if it doesn't work when you flush it. This method is more useful in cleaning the drain line.
  • The access point should be replaced once the drain line is clear. This will prevent the drain line from clogging.
  • Switch on the AC at the breaker and inspect if there are any leaks in it to make sure it is properly cleaned.

If leaks are visible after cleaning it, you might need to call for an expert to help you clean the AC drain line to ensure nothing is damaged and adequately cleaned.

Ways to Avoid Clogging the Drain Line

When problems like these occur on your AC, it is necessary to know how to avoid clogging the drain line. You should regularly clean or replace the filter if needed because dust is the common cause of drain line clogging.

Cleaning is the best way to avoid dust building up on the evaporator coils. This will also keep your AC unit functioning correctly. The drain line should be installed properly because it is possible for the drain line to have clogging issues if not.

The Signs to Watch Out for if the Drain Line is Clogged

photo of an aircon exhaust mounted on wall outside the house

Knowing the signs of a clogged drain line is necessary if you own an AC unit. Always make sure you know about these things before you purchase and install one at home. The AC drain line is responsible for any excess condensation being removed from your AC unit.

  • If your unit is experiencing a blockage, there might be flooding of the handler unit.
  • If there is a trickle of water dripping, it is a sign that your drain line is clogged.
  • The water safety switch on your appliance could turn on due to a clog in the drain system, which would prevent it from functioning.
  • Liquid may have also gained access to the safety switch, which can lead to the faulty operation of the unit.
  • If your system starts to produce damp, moldy air. A buildup within the drain system would often result in poor quality.

You must act immediately to clear your drain line to avoid increased mold growth or infections among your family members. You wouldn't want to live where you and your family are unsafe and uncomfortable with the environment.

Recommended Cleaning Materials to Keep the AC Drain Line Functioning Properly

Rectorseal Mighty AC Condensate Drain Line Pump

This is one of the best AC drain line cleaning tools that doesn't use electricity or batteries. It is an easy way to clear your drain line.

Click this link to see this on Amazon.

AC Drain line Buildup Remover

This product helps prevention of clogs and water leaks in AC drain lines. It also removes buildup in drain lines. It is safe to use, and it is non-corrosive.

Click this link to see this on Amazon.

Flexible Drain Brush Nylon Cleaner 

It is a dual-end brush with rotating bristles and stainless steel material that makes cleaning easier. It works great at cleaning around the stopper. It is the perfect cleaning tool for AC drain lines. You can use this product to clean the AC drain line for 3-6 months.

Click this link to see this on Amazon.

What distance from the house should the AC drain line be?

The side of the house is where the drain lines are terminated, often six inches above the ground. This may happen in a planted area big enough to take the drainage and seep into the ground.

If the distance isn't accurate from the said measurement, it could cause cracked foundation walls on homes due to concentrated water discharge.  

photo of an aircon exhaust hanging on the wall outside the house

Yes, it is beneficial to use bleach in the AC drain line, but make sure to use at least 2 cups of bleach and water once or twice a year.

Putting bleach in the AC drain line is important in killing bacteria and preventing their future growth, keeping you and your family healthy.

However, some of the most recent models no longer suggest vinegar or bleach, so it is advised to add hot water in their place.

A clogged AC drain line can be snaked to clear blockages. The AC drain line is subject to frequent clogs from various factors, including dirty filters, mineral deposits, mold, or mildew buildup.
So, when snake-cleaning the drain line, be careful not to push the blockage farther down the drain line.

In Closing

photo of an aircon exhaust on the wall outside the house

Maintaining and operating your AC correctly could protect you from more serious issues and expensive repairs. Now that you know if a drain line needs a cap or not, you can decide whether you want the drain line to be sealed.

This results in running your AC for longer to achieve a comfortable environment.

Check out these additional articles that may interest you before you leave:

Can I Raise My AC Unit?

Can It Be Too Hot For An Air Conditioner To Work?

Where To Run The AC Condensate Drain Line

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