Having to do a furnace replacement is essential to ensure your home is being heated properly. However, should you replace your air conditioning unit at the same time? Not to worry, because we have done the research to help you with that question in this article!
If you need a new furnace, then it is wise to replace your air conditioning at the same time. This is because the furnace fan is also responsible for pushing out the air coming from your air conditioning unit. Having a new furnace fan will ensure that your home is heated and cooled correctly.
We get it; replacing both units can be hard on the pocketbook. However, in the long run, you will save from having more efficient units. This article will talk about the benefits and the avoided risks to replacing your furnace simultaneously as your AC unit. In addition, we will discuss how long a furnace will last, so read on!
Why You Should Replace Furnace With AC
When it comes to replacing your furnace, there are many factors you must take into account—replacing your air conditioning unit simultaneously as your furnace is a decision that should not be taken lightly. The benefits of doing so, however, can be significant.
One of the most significant benefits is that you will have an efficient system. Having a new furnace and AC unit will ensure that your home is heated and cooled correctly.
The old systems you might have in your house may not be as efficient, or even worse: they could be operating poorly. Having them replaced with newer models can help you save money in the long run because of lowered energy costs.
What We Mean By Inefficient Systems
Not all systems are as efficient as others. For example, if your furnace is operating at low capacity or has a broken blower motor, it could be causing your air conditioning unit to work harder.
This will cause the AC unit to wear out faster and cost more money in the short run. Replacing both units can ensure you don't have these problems.
In addition, a new furnace can help your AC unit last longer. For example, a dirty furnace filter can cause damage to your AC unit. Replacing your old furnace with a new, more efficient one can help prevent this from happening.
The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit is about 10-15 years. A furnace, on the other hand, can last up to 20 years. So by replacing both units at the same time, you are essentially doubling the life of your new equipment.
The Cons of Not Replacing the Furnace with AC
Many people will get a new air conditioning unit without replacing their furnaces at the same time. The cons of doing so, however, can be hard to avoid.
The first concern about not replacing your furnace is that you may have a chronic lack of hot air. This is because the furnace fan pushes out the cold air coming from your AC unit. If you have a broken furnace fan, it will cause your AC unit to work harder and cause problems long before necessary.
Another common problem with not replacing both units is needing a heater right away when your AC breaks down. But, again, you don't want to face these expenses in the form of higher utility bills if you haven't already replaced your old machine with a new unit.
In addition, your old furnace could be working at a low capacity. If your AC is constantly breaking down, it likely needs to work harder to cool your home. You can avoid this by replacing both units simultaneously for even more energy savings and a longer life span from each unit.
Is it Cheaper to Buy a Furnace and AC Together?
Replacing both units at the same time is cheaper than replacing your furnace and AC unit separately. On average, you can save yourself between $1,000 to $3,000 by buying the two units together. Those savings alone are tremendous!
However, if you can't afford to replace both units simultaneously, some companies offer financing options to make this upgrade possible.
However, these companies will often tack on extra charges for interest rates and other hidden fees to buy a new furnace and AC unit together. So, while it is cheaper to buy them together, it may not be the best financial decision in the long run.
Does the Furnace Affect the AC?
The furnace does authentically affect the AC. The furnace fan is responsible for pushing out the cold air created by the AC unit. If your furnace fan is broken, your AC unit will have to work harder and break down more often.
In addition, if your furnace is dirty, it can cause damage to your AC unit. If your furnace filter is clogged up with dust, dirt, and debris, then it can cause problems for your air conditioner.
Newer furnaces have a self-cleaning function that will help prevent this from happening. However, if you don't have one of these new units, you should replace your old furnace (15-20 years old) with a new one.
Can a Furnace Cool a House?
A furnace can cool a house using the furnace fan, but that's not the furnace's primary function. A furnace's primary purpose is to create heat for your home in the winter. An AC unit's primary purpose is to cool a home in the summer.
Using the furnace fan can also help reduce the humidity in the home. This is an excellent option if you want to save money on your AC bill and don't mind a little extra noise from your furnace fan.
How Long Does a Furnace Last?
On average, a furnace can last anywhere between 15-20 years. This is, of course, assuming it has been properly maintained and not neglected on your part. In addition, there are always newer technologies coming out that require less upkeep, which may help reduce the lifespan of older furnaces.
If you notice anything out of the ordinary with your furnace, there is a reason for it. For example, if your furnace fan doesn't turn on or the blower isn't working correctly, then it's time to replace that unit. Also, a broken furnace fan will cause your AC to work harder and break down more often.
Other signs that your furnace requires replacement come from the home itself. For instance, if you see air coming out of the vents but no hot air coming out, it's most likely due to dirt clogging up the vents, which means you need to clean them out.
Another sign that you should replace your furnace is the presence of mold or mildew inside the vent. If you see any of these signs, it's time to call in a professional for diagnosis.
Lastly, if your electrical bills are higher than they usually are in comparison to years past, then this is a sign your furnace is failing. Replacing an old furnace with a new, more energy-efficient one can help reduce your monthly electricity bill.
What are the Benefits of a New Furnace?
There are many benefits to upgrading to a new furnace, such as:
- A new furnace is more energy-efficient, which means you'll use less energy to heat your home and save money on your monthly electricity bill.
- A new furnace is safer to use than an old one.
- A new furnace has a longer lifespan than an old one.
- A new furnace is quieter than an old one.
- A new furnace comes with a warranty.
If you're still unsure if your furnace is ready for a replacement, then have it inspected by a professional! They will be able to tell you if your furnace needs repair or complete replacement.
Signs You Need a New AC Unit
Just as there are sure signs that signify you need a new furnace, signs indicate you need to replace your AC unit. AC units usually don't last as long as furnaces (10-15 years), so if yours is around this age, then these signs can include but are not limited to:
- The AC is not keeping your home cool enough.
- The AC is constantly running, even when it's not hot outside.
- The AC is making strange noises.
- The AC is leaking water.
- The AC is leaking oil.
Final Thoughts
Whether you need a new furnace or AC unit, consulting with a professional is always a good idea. They will be able to inspect your home and give you an accurate diagnosis of the problem or problems.
If your furnace or AC requires replacement, they will also recommend the best unit for your needs and budget. However, if you can swing it, then it is a good idea to replace your furnace at the same time.
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