Modern air conditioners have a lot of features that can be useful. Though, if you haven't paid attention to the user manual, you might not know what they do. For example, what does Eco mode do? If that's what you're wondering, let's go over the details!
Eco mode, short for Economic mode, is a setting that limits the performance of the air conditioner. The main goal is to let it run more efficiently. So, the AC will run the compressor slower. Since the compressor isn't using as much energy, it costs less to run the system.
Now that you know the purpose of Eco mode, you might be wondering how it compares to the other settings. The factors that come to mind are cost efficiency, cooling, and what it can do to the AC. Does Eco mode make a noticeable difference? We cover these topics and more further ahead.
The Modes Of An Air Conditioner
Today, it isn't as simple to turn on an air conditioner. Why? Because there are many modes that you can choose.
There's Cool, Auto, Fan, Eco, and many more depending on the air conditioner. Of course, you can choose to turn the AC on and forget about the rest. But do you ever wonder what these modes do?
More importantly, how do they differ from each other? There are many modes for a reason. They each serve a unique purpose.
Since you're here to learn about Eco mode, let's go over what it does first.
Eco Mode
Eco mode is a setting that you might be familiar with in other electrical equipment. It goes by names like Power Saver mode, Econ mode, and Energy Saver mode. As you can see from the name variation, what the mode does is usually dependent on the manufacturer too.
In general, the purpose of Eco mode is to save energy. It can do this by limiting the compressor to run at a maximum of 70%. Some manufacturers have a different take on Eco mode.
Instead of limiting the performance, they will set the desired temperature a few degrees higher than the one you see on the settings. Once it reaches that temperature, it will turn the compressor off but keep the fan running. In that sense, it can function a bit like Auto mode.
So, once the AC reaches the desired temperature in your thermostat setting, it will turn off. However, Eco mode usually goes a step further. Instead of letting the fan keep running, it will turn it off too. Though, unlike Auto mode, you'll be able to control fan speed.
In terms of performance, Eco mode will likely not keep the temperature at the exact setting on the thermostat. There's going to be a bit of temperature fluctuation. However, how noticeable it is will depend on the person.
In most cases, you won't be able to tell the difference. You can use Eco mode any time you want to save on energy. Think of it as a more efficient Auto mode.
Auto Mode
When you set an air conditioner on Auto mode, there's more emphasis on automating the fan. So, Auto mode won't do anything to the compressor. Once the compressor turns off, the fan will usually keep running.
Unlike Eco mode, you won't be able to control the fan settings. It will adjust automatically based on the temperature difference between the air conditioner setting and the room. In an HVAC system, Auto mode functions a bit differently.
Since an air conditioner and a furnace work together in an HVAC system, the Auto mode will usually switch between Heating and Cooling modes when the temperature is below or above the thermostat setting.
Cool Mode
The Cool mode is the setting that you will be the most familiar with. It's typically the default option when you turn on the AC. Instead of saving energy, the priority is doing its job. So, it will run with default power consumption.
In other words, the compressor will work at 100% to cool your home. Once it lowers the temperature to the setting on the thermostat, the compressor will turn off. But, the fan will continue running. Like Eco mode, you can still control the fan setting.
Of course, the lower you set the temperature, the more energy the AC will consume in this mode. If you want to keep using Cool mode instead of Eco, consider raising the temperature on the thermostat. This way, it won't run longer trying to lower the temperature.
Turbo Mode
Although it's not an option for some air conditioners, the modern ones you see today will have a Turbo mode. As you might expect, it's the complete opposite of Eco mode. It cools your room by using the most amount of energy.
Turbo mode distinguishes itself from the Cool option by using the maximum fan speed. In addition, it will run continuously for 30 minutes. When you activate this mode, you will not have control of the temperature and fan settings.
If you want to cool your room quickly, Turbo mode is the setting you want to use.
What Is the Best Mode For An AC?
The best mode to use on an AC is dependent on what you want to get out of it. However, it's generally better to use Eco mode because it cools your home without much power. Therefore, you will cut costs on your bills. In addition, you lessen the strain on your AC.
Since the AC will use the compressor at 70% instead of 100%, it will likely last longer. Of course, the tradeoff you get is a few temperature fluctuations. But in all likelihood, you won't notice the difference.
Benefits Of Using Eco Mode
The benefits of using Eco mode are more substantial. It adjusts automatically without you having to do a thing. Additionally, it's better to let it run using lower power than turning it off manually.
More specifically, it turns on every few minutes to check the temperature. If it notices a difference, it turns on automatically to maintain it. This process is a better and more convenient way.
The alternative is to turn the AC off once your home is cool. But there's no accurate way to tell when your temperatures are rising other than feeling. So, when you notice your home is getting warmer, the temperature might have increased more than it would on Eco mode.
Consequently, the AC will work longer to bring it back down. In Eco mode, it reaches the desired temperature quicker.
What Temperature Should I Set My Air Conditioner In The Summer?
Comfort is an issue of personal opinion. When the summer months arrive, there will be some conflicts in choosing the temperature setting on the air conditioner. No one wants to walk into a room that feels like a freezer. On the other hand, people don't like walking into one that still feels hot.
You will have to find the best temperature setting by testing it out. In general, you should start at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. No, you don't have to stick to that number.
Use it as a baseline. If you don't feel comfortable with it, lower the temperature. Adjust it according to the needs of you and your family. However, keep in mind that you shouldn't set the thermostat too low.
Lowering the setting on the thermostat does not mean the AC will work faster. It means it is going to work longer. And, if it's working longer, you're paying more out of pocket.
When Is The Best Time To Turn On An AC?
When keeping your home comfortable, learning when to turn on the AC can make a difference. One detail to remember is the runtime of the air conditioner. The longer it runs, the more you have to pay to achieve comfortable temperatures.
Most people won't think to turn the AC on until it's too hot. At this point, it's going to run longer than usual. Standard air conditioner cycles are around 15–20 minutes. During a day of extreme weather, it can run longer than that.
Therefore, it makes sense to prepare ahead of time. In other words, the best time to turn on the AC would be before peak temperatures outside. So, the morning is when you should turn it on since temperatures are lower.
This way, the AC only draws enough power to maintain the temperature inside your home. If you turn it on later in the day, it needs to use more power to lower the temperature first. After this, it will work to maintain it.
Is It Cheaper To Leave AC On All Day?
In most cases, it's cheaper to turn the AC off when you're not at home. Sure, your home will be warmer when you get back. However, it's not going to be as warm as the outside. If you want to save on costs, you will have to deal with discomfort for a short while.
In Closing
Sometimes, having a ton of options can be overwhelming. But once you learn what they do, it can improve your experience with the AC. Will you start using Eco mode? Hopefully, you found the information above helpful!
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Why Is My Air Conditioner Compressor So Loud?
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Do you think manufacturers should standardize the Eco mode feature to avoid confusion and inconsistencies in its function?