The pellet stove is a clean-burning, effective heat source for those cool wintry nights, but if your machine is especially loud, this may ruin the calming effect this stove is supposed to bring. No one wants to listen to a machine clunk and spit. So how do you fix this issue? We've done the research to guide you.
There are several reasons why your pellet stove may be making excessive noise, such as loose mechanics, an unlevel machine, a dirty or clogged system, or faulty airflow. You can troubleshoot the issue yourself by trying a variety of things, including tightening all of the loose mechanics in the pellet stove, deep cleaning the system, and leveling the machine.
So now you have a basic idea of what may be causing this problem and how you can attempt to fix it, but you may have more questions or want more detailed instructions. Keep reading to learn more about pellet stoves and how to get the most out of your favorite clean heat source.
Why Is My Pellet Stove So Loud?
Before discussing the different ways to troubleshoot your pellet stove, we should first go into a bit more detail about what may be going on with your machine to cause these disturbances.
Loose Mechanics
A pellet stove is a machine with a somewhat complex design, including many moving parts. Over time, all of this movement may cause shifts in the system, and this means that the mechanics may become loose.
What was before a smooth moving system, may now rattle and clank. This is especially true of older pellet stove models that have been in operation for quite some time.
Unlevel Machine
When a pellet stove is installed, the professional providing this service will make sure that the pellet stove's feet or base are leveled.
However, when a machine operates with so much movement, it's only natural that it could eventually cause itself to shift and become unbalanced. In addition, the base or floor beneath it may have shifted over time. As a pellet stove operates, it will shake and rattle if it is not level to the floor.
A Dirty Or Clogged System
A brand new pellet stove will operate without any hindrance, but as dirt and debris build, this may prevent the mechanics from moving freely. This may result in clanking, rattling, and scraping noises that are quite grating.
Faulty Airflow
This built-up debris may also hinder airflow in and out of the device. The area where this is most likely to happen is the heat exchanger. This is where clean air is heated by the fuel and then transferred to the room.
If the airflow is impeded in any area of the pellet stove's system, you may notice that it sounds like a household vacuum with a blockage.
How Loud Should A Pellet Stove Be?
As with all machines, pellet stoves will create normal sounds of operation. These are quite subtle compared to those that are signs of a wearing machine.
- Buzzing comes from the motor of the machine cycling on and the auger turning.
- Clicking occurs as the pellets are forced into the firepot or flight chute.
- Humming can be heard as air is pushed through the heat exchanger and delivered to the room.
- A whoosh is the result of air being transferred through the intake and outtake valves.
After living in an industrialized world, you may find that your ear is likely to tune out normal noises of operation while it will be quite bothered by noises that signal an issue. If your pellet stove seems to be too loud, it's best to trust your judgment and attempt to troubleshoot the issue yourself or call a professional.
How Do I Make My Pellet Stove Quieter?
There are several ways to attempt to make your pellet stove quieter, all of them targeting the most likely issues to be causing the unwanted noise.
Tightening All Of The Loose Mechanics
As we discuss above, moving mechanics within the pellet stove's system can eventually cause themselves to loosen and displace, causing some unpleasant noises. This is why it's important to regularly tighten all of the mechanics in your pellet stove.
You can do this for the most part using a screwdriver and wrench. Wherever you see a screw or a bolt, be sure to service this area. You can also check the motor. If it is held in place using ties, tighten these as well, or possibly replace them if they've seemed to go through some wear.
Deep Cleaning The System
You can deep clean the system using wire brushes, paint brushes, and a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to remove all tar and ash from the system, paying extra attention to the heat exchanger where debris is most likely to build.
If you do find tar, you can remedy this by turning the stove on for a time to allow the tar to be turned to ash. Then you can remove it with a vacuum cleaner after the stove has completely cooled.
Take a look at this pellet stove vent brush on Amazon.
Leveling The Machine
The machine must be level to work efficiently and quietly. You can attempt to level your pellet stove yourself by making pads for the feet of the machine. You can work to make these the right amount of height.
However, if you are not successful, you might find it necessary to contact a professional to level the feet on the machine. Alternatively, if it is the hearth that is unlevel, you may decide to lay new flooring, build or buy a new hearth pad.
Check out this hearth pad on Amazon.
What's The Quietest Pellet Stove?
There are several different types of pellet stoves. Let's examine each type in detail to see which is the quietest:
Forced Ventilation
Many pellet stoves are in the category of "forced ventilation", meaning that they force warm are out into the room using a fan or blower. Of course, forcing warm are out with a fan is noisy.
Natural Convection
Pellet stoves that are in the "natural convection" category allow the warm air to escape the machine naturally. This means that there is no need for a fan or blower, and so there is less noise.
Quietest On The Market
There are a few highly rated, trusted brands of pellet stoves that feature "forced ventilation" but are praised especially on their quiet operation. These include Castle Serenity, Comfort Bilt, and Pelpro.
Brands that feature "natural convection" pellet stoves are more difficult to find, but they are gaining popularity as consumers see that they provide cleaner air and quieter operation. Two trusted brands that market this type of pellet stove are MCZ and Sergio Leoni.
Related Questions
Now we've given you some guidance on how to address the problem of a loud pellet stove, but you may have some other questions about operating this appliance safely and effectively. We've answered some other commonly asked questions about running a pellet stove.
Can You Leave A Pellet Stove Running 24/7?
Yes! A pellet stove is safe to be left running while you are sleeping and running errands, as long as you have maintained it with regular servicing and cleaning. These machines have safety features that will cause them to shut down if there is a threat of overheating or another dangerous issue.
How High Should The Flame Be In My Pellet Stove?
The flame in your pellet stove should rise 4-6 inches above the burning pot. If it is higher or lower than this, this may signal that the pellet stove is not working at its highest efficiency, and it may be necessary for you to make some adjustments.
There must be the correct combination of air and fuel to create the right amount of flame. You may try adjusting the pellet feed rate or the damper position to affect the amount of fuel and air the stove adds for combustion.
In Closing
The pellet stove is an excellent way to heat an entire home, but as all appliances do, it comes with its own set of noises. Some of these are normal, but some are unpleasant and will require you to deal with them. We've discussed some of the most common reasons that your pellet stove may be operating loudly, and how to fix them.
As you troubleshoot your stove, remember to protect yourself and always consult a professional when you encounter serious mechanical problems to preserve your machine and the safety of your family.
Want to learn more about how to care for your pellet stove? Visit these related posts: