Carrier air conditioner is one of the most reputable brands of AC. If you own one or plan to buy one in the future, you might wonder how long it will last. We have done the necessary research to help you answer your question, and here's what we found out.
A Carrier air conditioner can last up to 15 to 25 years. This depends on different factors, but you can expect your carrier AC to function for at least two decades if you properly maintain it.
Several elements can affect the lifespan of your unit. So hang on and keep reading as we explore those factors and enlighten you on making your unit last longer.
Factors That Affect The Lifespan of Your Carrier AC
Even though Carrier ACs are built to last, you also play a role in ensuring their longevity. Here are some factors that might determine how long your unit would be fully functional.
Maintenance is an integral part of keeping your air conditioner in good shape. It can also be a tedious task that takes time and patience. But with the right tools and knowledge, you can make sure that your AC lasts longer and you have less work to do.
You can carry out a simple maintenance routine independently but consult a professional for more complex repairs. Check the refrigerant; this will help prevent leaks and keep your home safe. You should also inspect the coils and vents of your carrier air conditioner periodically to make sure they are functioning correctly.
The lifespan of air conditioners can also depend on the area you live. Air conditioners in dusty areas accumulate more dust in the coils, shortening the appliance's lifespan. AC units in this area would need more frequent cleaning and maintenance.
Humidity is also a factor that can affect the lifespan of your unit. If you live in a humid area, it can be hard to keep your air conditioner running at the right temperature during the summer.
High humidity makes it harder for the cooling coil to transfer heat into the surrounding environment. This means that you need to run your AC more often, which will be more expensive in the long run.
Temperature changes can also cause condensation to form on the inside of your unit and can also increase the need for repair. Constant exposure to high temperatures and humidity levels affects the quality of the insulation and compressor.
Frequency of Operation
Air conditioners are designed to operate at high efficiency to be used for a long time. However, over time, this efficiency decreases with the constant operation of the air conditioner. This means it is important to switch off the air conditioning units when they are not needed.
The constant operation of an air conditioner can cause wear and tear on the unit after a short while. The most common cause of this is the accumulation of dust and dirt around the air filter.
How Can I Make My Carrier Air Conditioner Last Long?
To ensure that your Carrier AC unit lasts and functions to the optimum level, here are some steps you should take.
1. Clean Your Carrier AC Regularly
Cleaning your air conditioner regularly will help keep the unit functional, which will reduce mechanical breakdown. It also keeps the surrounding air healthy and reduces the risk of respiratory problems and allergies.
Here are some helpful tips on how to clean your AC properly:
- Turn off the power switch on the outdoor unit.
- Remove any debris from around the unit.
- Use a garden hose to spray water into all vents before turning the power again.
- Clean all grills with a brush or vacuum cleaner to remove accumulated dirt and dust.
You can use a vacuum-cleaner or broom to remove debris and grass from around the unit and inspect its parts for damage or wear and tear.
2. Clear Blockages From Air Duct
Air ducts are designed to transfer heat from the evaporator coil to the outside air. They also provide air to flow in and out of the system. Keeping your air duct clean is essential for the overall health of your AC.
Dirt and dust can block cold air from passing and cause your AC to work harder. This can lead to higher energy costs, shortened AC life span, and reduced efficiency.
3. Change The Filters
The most common problem that you might face with your air conditioner is clogging. This happens when the filter gets too dirty and needs to be replaced.
If you want to prevent clogging, experts recommend changing your filter at least every two months. A damaged filter would reduce the general efficiency of your AC unit, thereby reducing the lifespan.
4. Give Your AC Unit a Rest
Turn off your air conditioner when leaving home. It will save money, and it will also help your AC last longer. You can leave the thermostat on at a comfortable temperature. This will help avoid wearing down the compressor in the unit.
How Do I Know If My Air Conditioner Needs to be Replaced?
Even after following the recommended steps to prolong the use of your AC unit, it might still need to be replaced. Here are the signs you need to change your AC unit.
Disturbing Noises
One of the most common sounds an air conditioner makes is a grinding sound. If you live in a home with an old air conditioner, it might be time to change it. This is because age-related wear and tear can lead to noise.
The sound most likely comes from the compressor or the condenser fan. It can also be caused by dust buildup on the cooling fins and evaporator coils.
Limited Air Flow
When the air conditioner is on, the unit can take in outside air and blow it across a coil of chilled metal below freezing point. The cold air is then pumped through the ducts and into the rooms where you need it.
Airflow can be restricted if there are clogs in your unit. It is important to take immediate action and change the unit if there is a lack of cool air.
You can also unclog the ducts yourself or call for professional help. If you still experience limited airflow even after constant repairs, you should consider replacing your unit.
Water Accumulation and Foul Smell
Constant accumulation of moisture or uncomfortable foul smell is an indicator to start thinking of changing your AC. There are many reasons why your air conditioner may produce a foul odor during operation. One of the most common is when the filter becomes clogged with dust and dirt particles.
In some cases, this can happen because of an accumulation of pet hair or other debris in the filter area that is not removed by regular cleaning and maintenance activities.
If you notice this problem happening frequently, try cleaning off all of your AC coils with a vacuum cleaner before turning on your AC unit again. In some cases, this problem can be persistent even after constant cleaning, mainly with the older unit.
High Electricity Bill
Air conditioners are known to be energy hogs. However, faulty and old air conditioners consume even more electricity. If you have an old air conditioner, it's time to replace it with a new one to help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint.
How Often Should an Air Conditioning be Replaced?
It is good to change your air conditioner every 10 to 15 years. You should also maintain it properly by following the instructions in its manual. Also, store your unit in a cool, dry place where it won't be exposed to humidity or high temperature.
Air conditioners aren't just expensive to buy; they're also expensive to maintain. You'll need to replace filters, clean coils, and replace parts periodically. Keeping your air conditioner running efficiently by following the recommended maintenance tips is important.
Is Carrier a Good Air Conditioning Unit?
Carrier is one of the largest home appliance manufacturers in North America. It is also one of the largest manufacturers of air conditioners and heating systems globally. The company was founded in 1902 by Willis Carrier, an engineer who invented modern air conditioning technology as we know it today.
Carrier is a company that has been in business for more than 100 years now. Their products are known for quality and longevity. They offer the best HVAC solutions for different needs, ranging from commercial to residential AC units.
In Closing
An air conditioner is an essential appliance that is used in every household. It is a necessity for every home because it keeps the temperature at a comfortable level. However, if not maintained properly, it can cause significant damage to your unit.
If your old air conditioner is not working properly, you should consider replacing it with a new one. If you have read until this point, you might enjoy similar articles about carrier air conditioners:
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