If your York air conditioner isn't cooling your home as it should, there is something wrong. However, what do you do in this situation? Is there something you can check yourself? Let's take a look below.
If your York air conditioner isn't cooling, then it could be due to the following:
- Wrong Thermostat Setting
- Dead Thermostat Batteries
- Clogged Air Filter
- Bad Thermistor
- Refrigerant Leak
- Blower Motor
- Bad Run Capacitor
- Evaporator Coils
- Compressor
- Condenser coils
- Expansion valve
- Old Age
We know that's a long list of potential problems. This article will discuss each one in detail and the best form of action to take. In addition, we will answer other frequently asked questions about a York air conditioner, so read on!
Why is my York air conditioner not blowing cold air?
An air conditioner works by removing heat from the air inside a home and releasing it outdoors. The heat is removed by passing the air over coils that a refrigerant has cooled. The cooling coils cause the surrounding air to become cold and blow out the unit.
A few things could be causing your York air conditioner not to blow cold air. Some of which you can check yourself and others that may require a professional's assistance. We will go over each possibility below.
Wrong Thermostat Setting
If you have recently changed your thermostat's setting and it is now higher than the current temperature of your home, your York air conditioner will not turn on.
This is because the air conditioner is designed to turn on when the indoor temperature is higher than the set point on the thermostat. Therefore, check your thermostat to ensure the setpoint is lower than the current indoor temperature.
Dead Thermostat Batteries
If your thermostat is battery operated, it will not work if the batteries are dead. Replace the batteries in your thermostat and see if that fixes the issue.
Clogged Air Filter
If your household gets a lot of traffic from children or pets, your air filter is likely clogged. A clogged air filter will prevent the York air conditioner from cooling the home.
The reason is that the clogged filter will impede the flow of air. The York air conditioner relies on good airflow to remove the heat from inside your home.
You can clean your air filter by hand or replace it with a new one. We recommend replacing it every 3-6 months for optimal performance.
Bad Thermistor
A bad thermistor is a common problem with York air conditioners. The thermistor is responsible for reading the temperature and sending that information to the electronic control board. If the thermistor is bad, then the control board will not be able to read the temperature accurately.
This will cause your York air conditioner to blow cold air when it shouldn't or not blow any air.
If you believe that your York air conditioner's thermistor is bad, then we recommend contacting a professional to have it replaced. However, you can use a multimeter to test the thermistor if you feel comfortable.
Refrigerant Leak
If your York air conditioner is not blowing cold air, and you have ruled out all of the other possibilities, then you may have a refrigerant leak.
A refrigerant leak is a common problem with York air conditioners and can often be fixed by a professional. However, refrigerant is a toxic substance so if you notice it, be sure to keep family members and pets away until an HVAC specialist arrives.
Blower Motor
If your York air conditioner is not blowing cold air, and you have ruled out all of the other possibilities, then the blower motor may be bad.
The blower motor is responsible for pushing the cooled air through the coils and into your home. If the blower motor is bad, the air will not be cooled and will not blow out of the unit.
Bad Run Capacitor
The run capacitor is connected to the compressor and the blower motor. It helps to start the compressor and keep it running. If the run capacitor is bad, it will not be able to do its job, and the compressor and the blower motor will not run.
If you believe that your York air conditioner's run capacitor is bad, then we recommend contacting a professional to have it replaced. However, you can use a multimeter to test the run capacitor if you feel comfortable.
Evaporator Coils
Dirty or frozen evaporator coils will prevent the York air conditioner from cooling the home. The evaporator coils are responsible for absorbing the heat from inside your home and transferring it to the refrigerant.
If the evaporator coils are dirty, then they will not be able to absorb the heat. Likewise, if they are frozen, they will not be able to transfer the heat.
You can clean the evaporator coils by hand or replace them with new ones. If they are frozen, turn your system off and give the coils 24 hours to thaw before restarting the A/C unit.
The compressor is responsible for pumping the refrigerant throughout the system. If the compressor is bad, then the refrigerant will not be able to circulate, and the home will not be cooled.
The compressor should be replaced by a professional.
Condenser coils
Dirty or clogged condenser coils will prevent the York air conditioner from cooling the home. The condenser coils are responsible for releasing the heat from the refrigerant.
If the condenser coils are dirty, then they will not be able to release the heat. Likewise, if they are clogged, then they will not be able to absorb the heat.
You can clean the condenser coils by hand or have a specialist inspect them.
Expansion valve
If the expansion valve is bad, then the York air conditioner will not be able to cool the home. The expansion valve controls how much refrigerant goes into the evaporator coils.
If the expansion valve is bad, then it will not be able to do its job, and the York air conditioner will not be able to cool the home. This is another one that is better left to the professionals.
Old Age
Lastly, do you know the age of your York air conditioner? York air conditioners usually last around 10-15 years. If your York air conditioner is older than that, it may not be able to keep up with the cooling demands of your home.
Before making any decisions on whether to replace it, we suggest contacting a professional to inspect your York air conditioner. They will be able to tell you the exact health of your unit and give you the best advice on what to do next.
What are the signs of needing an air conditioner replacement?
If you are unsure whether or not you need to replace your York air conditioner, then look at these signs.
Frequent Repairs
As mentioned before, York air conditioners usually last around 10-15 years. If your unit is older than that, it may be time for a replacement. As a result, you may be chasing one repair after another.
It may be better to put that money into a new unit rather than continuously repairing an old one.
High Energy Bills
If you check your energy bills and they have been gradually increasing, that could be a sign that you need a new air conditioner.
Older units tend to use more energy than newer ones, so that a replacement may save you some money in the long run. You can expect to save 20-40% on your cooling costs by installing a new system.
Foul Smells
If you start to notice a foul smell coming from your air conditioner, that is another sign that it needs to be replaced.
This smell is usually caused by bacteria or mold, which can be harmful to your health.
Weird Noises
Do you hear clunking, banging, humming, or whistling noises from your air conditioner?
That is another sign that it is time for a replacement. These strange noises are usually caused by a problem with the compressor, fan, coil, or wiring.
Water Leaks
If you start to see water leaking from your air conditioner, that is a clear sign that it needs to be replaced.
This water can cause damage to your floors, furniture, and other belongings.
High Humidity
If the humidity in your home is constantly high, that is another sign that you may need to replace your air conditioner. A proper function system should regulate humidity levels.
Warm Air
If you have checked your thermostat settings and air filter and feel like your home is not getting cool air, it may be time to replace your York air conditioner.
Poor Airflow
If you feel like the airflow in your home is not as strong as it used to be, that could be a sign that you need a new air conditioner.
When an air conditioner is not functioning correctly, the airflow will be weak.
These are some of the most common signs that you need to replace your York air conditioner. If you are unsure, we suggest contacting a professional to take a look.
Final Thoughts
If your York air conditioner is acting up, you may be able to fix it yourself. However, some problems are better left to the professionals.
If your York air conditioner is older than 10-15 years, it may be time to replace it. Lastly, if you see any of the signs listed above, we recommend contacting a professional to give you their opinion.
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