How To Clean Pureguardian 2.0 [Step By Step]

A humidifier protects you from problems caused by dry air in the environment. For your appliance to continue working optimally, you need to clean it often. If you prefer using Pureguardian 2.0, what are the steps to effectively clean it? We researched to provide you with a complete guide and much more.

Cleaning your Pureguardian humidifier is easy, and the steps to follow are as follows:

  • Unplug
  • Clean 
  • Rinse 
  • Dry

Keep reading to learn the steps of cleaning a Pureguardian 2.0 humidifier. Also, learn the various solutions you can use to clean your appliance and what happens when you don't wash it regularly. Included are reasons not to mix certain cleaning solutions and the effects of doing so, as well as tips on keeping your humidifier clean. 

Modern air humidifier on marble table in kitchen - How To Clean Pureguardian 2.0 [Step By Step]

Guide To Cleaning Your Pureguardian 2.0 Humidifier

A humidifier can help ease many health issues, including allergies and protect lips, skin, and hair from drying. But if it is dirty, mold and bacteria can grow and multiply. So, rather than being helpful, it can end up being harmful to you.  

To benefit more from your humidifier, it's imperative to follow the manufacturer's guidelines on how to clean your appliance. It is easy to clean your humidifier, and the steps below will guide you through the process:


The first step is to unplug your unit to protect you from potential electrical shocks.

Clean The Appliance

Wash the spray sprout, cap, and tank lid using mild dish soap. Mix one teaspoon of white vinegar with one teaspoon of water and soak the ultrasonic disk at the base of the unit.

Gently clean using the brush provided or use a piece of cloth to wash off dirt, debris, and deposits. Avoid scrubbing or scraping. Lastly, clean the water tank by rinsing it with warm water.


Drain out the vinegar and thoroughly rinse the parts. 


Dry using a soft cloth and place your unit upside down without the cap. This drains out excess water. 

What Other Solutions Can You Use To Clean Your Humidifier?

You can find this Pureguardian 2.0 humidifier on Amazon.

You now know that you can use dishwashing soap and vinegar to wash your humidifier. Besides these, are there other solutions you can use? Let us find out below:

Hydrogen Peroxide

This is 3% hydrogen peroxide that you can find on Amazon.

You can clean your Pureguardian humidifier using hydrogen peroxide, a natural disinfectant that is safe to use. It cleans by oxidation, cleaning bacteria and preventing mold from growing. 

Mix four parts of water with one part of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the humidifier tank. Let the solution sit for 30 minutes. Empty the tank, rinse it with water, and let it dry thoroughly before using your dehumidifier again.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Before using this solution, read the instructions to confirm if the manufacturer recommends it. Apple cider vinegar is an alternative to plain vinegar. After soaking the tank, rinse with clean water. 


Bleach can clean your humidifier deeply, killing any bacteria that could be lingering even after washing it. If per your manual, it's safe to use bleach, mix one teaspoon of bleach with 1 gallon of water.

Pour it into the tank and let it sit between 30 and 45 minutes. Don't let it stay for more than 1 hour because it can damage your appliance. Afterward, rinse well with water, ensuring no bleach residue remains. Allow to dry in a well-ventilated area. 

Cleaning Solutions That You Should Never Mix

There are cleaning solutions you should never mix because they can be dangerous to your health. They include:

Vinegar And Bleach

Mixing vinegar and bleach produces chlorine gas, which can be harmful. Symptoms you may experience are skin and eye irritation, tightness in the chest, cough, and wheezing, among other issues. However, the duration and amount of exposure to this gas determine the intensity of its effects on your health. 

One may think mixing these two substances will create a more potent cleaning agent, but are ignorant of the side effects. Using one or the other is better, but never the two together. 

You might doubt that the bleach in your store will be effective enough to clean your humidifier. This is because, with time, chlorine bleach loses its power. Buy fresh chlorine that is stronger instead of mixing it with vinegar. 

Vinegar And Hydrogen Peroxide

Mixing vinegar and hydrogen peroxide produces Peracetic acid. Also known as Peroxyacetic acid, this gas can irritate and burn the skin and eyes. It can also irritate the respiratory system, such as the lungs.

It can also cause pulmonary edema, a condition in which fluid builds up in the lungs. 

So, to avoid all these skin ailments, don't mix vinegar with hydrogen peroxide or any other chemical. Use it on its own. 

Rubbing Alcohol And Bleach

Combining rubbing alcohol and bleach can be harmful to your health. It produces a chemical called chloroform that can damage your lungs, liver, eyes, and nervous system. Use bleach on its own.

Tips On Keeping Your Humidifier Clean

Air humidifier during work. The white humidifier moistens dry air. Improving the comfort of living in the home, apartment. Improving the well-being of people.

So far, you have learned how to clean your humidifier and its benefits. To keep it clean at all times and in good condition, you need to do the following:

Change Water Regularly

Whereas cleaning your humidifier is recommended every once or twice a week, try as much as possible to change the water daily. You should add water only when you are using your unit. Ensure it doesn't have water on the days you are not using it. 

Use Distilled, Purified, Or Demineralized Water

Have a look at this distilled water on Amazon.

For better air quality, it is safer to use distilled, purified, or demineralized water. Tap water may contain bacteria or minerals. The minerals can build up, and the bacteria can multiply in the unit. This is because when you are using it, the unit is moist and warm. 

Change Humidifier Filter Regularly

Pureguardian 2.0 do not have filters. But, if the humidifier you use has a filter, change it often. Don't allow dirt to accumulate.

Ensure The Around Your Humidifier Is Dry

man dismantles a humidifier for repair

Keep the area around your humidifier as dry as possible. Thus, the carpets, tablecloths, rugs, and anything that is prone to dampness, need to be dry.

If they are damp, turn down your appliance or remove it from the room. It will prevent mold and bacteria from building up in the unit.  

Replace Your Old Humidifier

Humidifiers last between 2 to 5 years. At some point, your humidifier will have mineral deposits that are hard to remove. Therefore, you will eventually need a new one.

Effects Of Not Cleaning Your Humidifier

There are effects of not cleaning your humidifier, which include:

Poor Performance

If you don't clean your humidifier as required, the mineral from the water may start building up. This can interfere with the performance of the unit. It prevents moisture from being released when the filter clogs. 

Unclean Moisture 

Mold, mildew, and bacteria multiply inside your humidifier if you do not clean them as often. As a result, these organisms are released together with the mist, making the air unclean. 

Unpleasant Odors

The accumulation of mold, bacteria, and other organisms inside an unclean humidifier, can create an unpleasant odor. 

Benefits Of Using A Humidifier

Cute little girl sleeping in bedroom with modern air humidifier

To begin, a dirty humidifier can be the source of more respiratory problems and allergies. Instead of the appliance helping you to breathe better, it can make you feel uncomfortable. And, even in healthy people, a dirty humidifier can trigger health issues such as lung infections and flu.

So, as earlier seen, you must use a clean humidifier. Overall, the benefits of a humidifier include the following:

Reduces The Infection Levels Of The Influenza Virus

Flu and colds can make you feel uncomfortable, severely hampering your sleep. But, humidity levels at 40% or more can reduce infection by 14%. At such levels, the virus will not attach itself to you but will instead attach itself to water droplets. 

Reduces Congestion

Dry and thick mucus can cause your nasal passageway to clog, resulting in a stuffy nose, sinus problems, and sore throat. Higher humid levels in the air can break up phlegm, de-congesting your nose and chest. 

Reduces Snoring

Airways, if not well lubricated, can aggravate snoring. But, you can significantly reduce it by increasing the moisture levels. 

Protects Skin And Hair From Becoming Dry

The hot air from the AC units can dry out your skin and hair. The cold air outside during winter equally does the same. But, a humidifier adds moisture to an environment, preventing your hair and skin from becoming dry. 

Increased Life-Span For Your Furniture

Maintaining humidity at adequate levels can increase the life of wooden fixtures in your home and the wallpaper. A dry environment can have a negative impact

In Closing

If using Pureguardian 2.0 to humidify your home, you must follow the correct cleaning procedure.

In addition, you should regularly clean it to prevent the growth and multiplication of bacteria, mold, and mildew. It also helps remove the buildup of minerals. Ideally, you need to clean it every day.

There are several solutions you can use to clean your humidifier. However, avoid mixing them to prevent potential health hazards. Overall, a humidifier has benefits, and more so a clean one.

Modern air humidifier and houseplant on table in living room. Space for text

Below are more of our previous posts about dehumidifiers:

Will Dehumidifier Get Rid Of Damp Smell

Is Pink Mold In Humidifier Dangerous

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