expansion tank heating system, Why Won't My Furnace Bleed?

Why Won’t My Furnace Bleed?

We know you want your furnace to perform smoothly, but it’s no secret that mishaps could still happen when we least expect it, especially since furnaces are only used during the fall and spring. When said mishap happens, there’s no…

white electric radiator - How To Light Pilot On Cozy Wall Heater

How To Light Pilot On Cozy Wall Heater

Typically, when we talk about light, we’re talking about a light bulb within a contemporary device. With your cozy wall heater, this isn’t the case, though. A pilot light is a flame always lit inside your wall heater and is…

PTAC unit installed under a window, How To Reset Friedrich PTAC Unit?

How To Reset Friedrich PTAC Unit

The most common reason for an AC unit requiring a reset is when the AC unit’s protection circuit breaker trips. This event is usually done after a power outage to prevent fires and explosions. If you have a Friedrich PTAC…