Search Results for fireplace

Can You Cover Heatilator Vents?

Cozy home interior with fireplace, Heatilator ventilation designs

Your Heatilator fireplace vents are essential in keeping and regulating your house’s ideal warm air circulation. Though sometimes you might wonder whether you can cover its vents or perhaps it would cause a risk. Well, you’re a moment away from…

How To Light Pilot On Cozy Wall Heater

white electric radiator - How To Light Pilot On Cozy Wall Heater

Typically, when we talk about light, we’re talking about a light bulb within a contemporary device. With your cozy wall heater, this isn’t the case, though. A pilot light is a flame always lit inside your wall heater and is…

Are Toe Kick Heaters Noisy?

Empty room with parquet. Bright window with a view of nature. Nobody inside. - Are Toe Kick Heaters Noisy?

Toe kick heaters are popular heating options for compact floorplans and remodels. Since you are interested in maybe installing a toe kick heater, you might be wondering if the noisy reputation they have is true. In this post, we combine…

Does A Gas Furnace Need A Chimney?

A gas furnace, Does A Gas Furnace Need A Chimney?

Having a gas furnace in your home gives you warmth and comfort. But does your gas furnace need a chimney? How hot can it get? Is your gas furnace in a safe area? Worry no more! We’ve researched the answers…

How Many BTU In A Cord Of Wood?

Pile of birch firewood outdoors in summer. How Many BTU In A Cord Of Wood

As the cold day approaches, using firewood to warm yourself and heat your house is very economical yet effective. This method dates back ages ago, before the invention of the HVAC system. Now you’re up to using firewood as your…